Mycelium The Intelligence of Nature
Fire and Ice has a new product partner with Host defense! What is mycelium?
“mycelium, plural mycelia, the mass of branched, tubular filaments (hyphae) of fungi. The mycelium makes up the thallus, or undifferentiated body, of a typical fungus. It may be microscopic in size or developed into visible structures, such as brackets, mushrooms, puffballs, rhizomorphs (long strands of hyphae cemented together), sclerotia (hard, compact masses), stinkhorns, toadstools, and truffles. At a certain stage it produces spores, directly or through special fruiting bodies. – Britannica
These filaments act like conduits to transfer information. It is believed that mushrooms, much like the soil on our planet, plays host to numerous living organisms including humans and their guts. This could infer that there is a hidden intelligence in our gut much like the soil on our planet. In my opinion, when we disrupt this natural ecosystem by consuming too many processed foods, or excessive salts, or even when we are emotionally overwhelmed or environmentally stressed, we disrupt this natural process in our guts. It is believed when an ecosystem is destroyed the first workers on site are the fungal networks. These fungal networks transfer bacteria and nutrients to areas in the soil that need help. Therefore, I hypothesis that when our own ecosystem is in need, we require these fungal networks to help build an intelligence that allows your gut to reestablish its own ecosystem. This is where host defense comes in. Many of these species have had a long history of medicinal use in the human population. Come in a try out our 7 different products and learn more about the intelligence of nature in bringing you back to balance.